Welcome to our website dedicated to supporting single mothers in their journey towards empowerment and success.
We envision a world where single mothers have the financial independence and stability to ensure a brighter future for themselves and their children.

ANNE’s mission is to empower single mothers by creating a platform where single mothers have access to the resources, guidance, and mentorship they need to overcome financial challenges and thrive in their professional and personal lives.
Our project stems from a deep understanding of the challenges faced by single mothers in today's society and a firm commitment to making a difference.
We recognize that single mothers often bear the weight of numerous responsibilities, from providing for their families to their children's upbringing and development, all while facing financial constraints and societal stigmas.
Thus, we have created this initiative to provide a comprehensive resource hub tailored specifically to address the needs of single mothers.
Through our platform, ANNE connects single mothers with volunteers and mentors who can offer guidance and assistance tailored to their individual needs and goals. Whether they seek employment opportunities or aspire to launch their own businesses, ANNE aims to be a global platform where single mothers can access the resources and mentorship necessary to achieve financial independence and provide for their families' needs.